Author, Illustrator, Paper Engineer and Painter

The Journey Begins Here

A visionary author and illustrator known for his enchanting pop-up books that spark joy and curiosity in young readers. With a career dedicated to crafting interactive and educational adventures, he has left an enduring legacy in children’s literature. Explore the world of Robert Crowther and let your imagination soar.

Robert Crowther

Exploring the Artistry

Author, Illustrator, Paper Engineer and now, Painter. Robert is exploring his creativity and producing paintings with style, emotion and depth.

Coast and Moors and all in between.

Robert’s recent work involved commissions for Launceston Leisure Centre, the unmistakable Cookworthy Knapp or “Nearly Home Trees” and an abstract of the pool and swimmers.

Cornwall provides endless opportunities for canvas creations; Robert has original work, prints and card bundles for sale in the Shop.

Have something in mind? commissions warmly welcomed.

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